
NCT - Johnny's Communication Center: 'Sledding is Fun!' - UK K-Pop Fans Reaction

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Hello everyone, and welcome back to the channel. We're back with another K-Pop reaction for you here today!

Today, we're diving into an episode from Johnny's Communication Center (JCC) titled 'Sledding is Fun! A Fine Day in Chicago❄️ with YT, DY, MK'. In this episode, Johnny takes fellow NCT members Yuta, Doyoung, and Mark on a sledding adventure in his hometown of Chicago. The video showcases their playful interactions and offers a glimpse into their off-stage camaraderie. Let's enjoy this fun-filled day with the NCT members!

Watch the original video here:    • Sledding is Fun! A Fine Day in Chicag...  

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Audio Attributions:

groove1.wav by Votives -- freesound.org/s/139319/ -- License: Attribution 3.0

Logotype, Raw Intro Outro, Trailer 02.wav by MATRIXXX_ -- freesound.org/s/454700/ -- License: Creative Commons 0

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