I Tried The New F8 SSD Plus From TerraMaster, Their First All SSD NAS #techtok #review #nas
In this video, I unbox and test the new F8 SSD Plus from TerraMaster. This is their first NAS that is designed to be exclusively used with SSDs and it runs their new operating system TOS 6. Is this the perfect home or small office solid-state storage NAS?
Visit TerraMaster's web store to buy the F8 SSD Plus - bit.ly/3XNAPVH
Visit TerraMaster's Amazon Australia store - bit.ly/3zqyNBu
Find out more about the F8 SSD Plus - bit.ly/3XLtlCs
Visit my blog for the written review and more detailed test results - www.the-diy-life.com/i-tried-the-new-terramaster-f…
TerraMaster F8 SSD Plus - bit.ly/3XNAPVH
Crucial P3 Plus NVMe SSDs - amzn.to/3N0KjXv
Tool & Equipment Used:
Power Meter - amzn.to/3Zm8FlS
Infiray P2 Pro Thermal Camera - www.amazon.com/dp/B0BG2QC143?th=1
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