
This Tiny Porsche 993 GT2 has a Camera!!! (+14 ESP32 projects)

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Turn a regular Hot Wheels model car (Porsche 993 GT2) into a 1:64 scale micro FPV RC Drift Car. Plus 14 other great ESP32 projects. Subscribe to our channel to never miss any good project ideas.

The tiny ESP32S3 module by Seeed Studio is available in two versions. You can grab yours from here.
XIAO ESP32S3 Sense (It comes with a camera module)

XIAO ESP32S3 (This one is without a camera)

Watch this detailed review by ‪@THEELECTRONICGUY‬ to get a deep insight into the module:
   • Smallest ESP32S3 Camera Board Review  
Disclaimer: All the projects in this video are the sole property of the creators. We are thankful to each one of them for sharing their projects with us or allowing us to include their project in this video. Check out the full project video of the respective creators below:
Project links:
15. Line Follower using PID
His channel: ‪@shyam-ravi‬
Project video:
   • I made a SUPER FAST Line Follower Rob...  

14. Turning Hot Wheels into a micro FPV RC Car
His channel: ‪@MaxImagination‬
Project video:
   • Transform Your Hot Wheels into a micr...  

13. DIY reflow oven controller
His channel: ‪@makermoekoe‬
Project video:
   • ESP32-S2 based universal reflow oven ...  

12. Screw-propelled Robot
Project link:

11. Lab-made Wheater Station
His channel: ‪@GiovanniAggiustatutto‬
Project video:
   • Stazione METEO connessa a Internet co...  

10. DIY Robot Car with Camera
His channel: ‪@techiesms‬
Project video:
   • SMALLEST Robot Car with Camera 🔥🔥 | X...  

9. Flap Clock
Project link:

8. Smart Watering System
His channel: Giovanni Aggiustatutto
Project video:
   • Sensori di Umidità del Terreno connes...  

7. Home Automation System with Voice and app Control
His channel: ‪@HowtoElectronics‬
Project video:
   • Alexa & ESP32 Based Smart & Manual Ho...  

6. ESP32 based IOT button
His channel: makermoekoe
Project video:
   • Picoclick-C3 is the most advanced ESP...  

5. Playing with Arduino-ESP32 MCU
His channel: ‪@VolosProjects‬
Project video:
   • Finally Arduino with ESP32 MCU - Ardu...  
   • Breadboard game using Arduino NANO ES...  

4. Human Detection sensor kit
Their channel: ‪@SeeedStudioSZ‬
Project video:
   • mmWave Human Detection sensor kit  

3. Smart Doorbell
His channel: ‪@SmartSolutionsForHome‬
Project video:
   • A DIY Smart Doorbell based on ESP32  

2. AI Camera
His channel: ‪@ThatProject‬
Project video:
   • ESP32 CAM | Google Vision - [Part.7] ...  

1. Mail Detection System
His channel: ‪@element14presents‬
Project video:
   • How to Use an ESP32 & Camera to Know ...  
Project link:
00:00 Intro
00:08 Line Follower using PID
00:51 FPV RC Car
01:49 Reflow oven controller
02:39 Screw-propelled Robot
03:23 Lab-made Wheater Station
03:55 Robot Car with Camera
04:47 Flap Clock
05:51 Smart Watering System
06:26 Home Automation with Voice control
07:19 ESP32 based IOT button
08:06 Playing with Arduino-ESP32 MCU
08:44 Human Detection sensor kit
09:16 Smart Doorbell
09:55 AI Camera
10:33 Mail Detection System
11:05 Outro
