
They Got Me The Best Gift Ever!

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Here is a bonus video for this week! Kevin goes over one of the best gifts he has EVER received. See what it is, meet some of the Skylabs staff, and maybe get a laugh out of our shop shenanigans.

THIS one is going to be a fun one!

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Some product links below are affiliate links which means if you buy something we’ll receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.

Grado Phono Cartridges, Record Cleaner, and more- available at skylabsaudio.com/shop/

U-turn Turntables amzn.to/49hbuWW
Rega P1 Turntable amzn.to/3HJ8Ayp
Audio Technica ATLP120 turntable amzn.to/3Ou2VzU
Audio Technica AT LP60 Turntable amzn.to/3uhLRGK
Fluance Turntables amzn.to/3SK5L6L
Pro-ject Turntables amzn.to/49eUAbi

Ortofon Phono Cartridge amzn.to/3Oy2955

Tracking force scale- amzn.to/42tok1Z

Pyle Phono Preamp amzn.to/3HPbqSo
Ampapa Phono Preamp amzn.to/3HLSeFs

Klipsch R-51 Powered Speakers amzn.to/42pgIh6
Edifier Powered Speakers amzn.to/48U4teS

Good news for our international viewers! You can now order a few of our items on our eBay store. Here is the link: tinyurl.com/5fs7wmke

Shop our store for Skylabs merch, Grado products, WIIM streamers, new vinyl records, and more!

Some product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we’ll receive a small commission.

We have owned and used every product in the links below.

Cambridge Audio Dac magic amzn.to/471W1Zd

Recommended Turntables:
Audio Technica LP60 Great entry-level “fully automatic” turntable for under $150 amzn.to/3eAPC1B

Rega Planar 2 Turntable with Premounted Carbon MM Cartridge (Gloss Black) amzn.to/3GA8s3R

U-turn Orbit Plus- Skylabs favorite new turntable amzn.to/3sFtudU

Ortofon 2M Black Moving Magnet Cartridge amzn.to/3TiuQq0

Best vintage electronics cleaner! Deoxit D-5 - amzn.to/3QJHKu5

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