
ChrisVortexx98 Saturday Morning Block Promos and Credits Favorites Zone: Chapter 196 (2024-2025)

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#foxbox #4kidstv #4kidstvthegamestation #cw4kids #cw4kidstoonzai #toonzai #vortexxcw #saturdaymorningcartoons
Chapter 196- Sonic X

Fox Box Sonic X Bumpers
Fox Box Sonic X Promos
Fox Box Sonic X Split Screen Credits
Fox Box 2003
Fox Box 2004
Fox Box 2005
Fox Box Promos
Fox Box Split Screen Credits
4Kids TV Sonic X Bumpers
4Kids TV Sonic X Promos
4Kids TV Sonic X Split Screen Credits
4Kids TV 2005
4Kids TV 2006
4Kids TV 2007
4Kids TV Promos
4Kids TV Split Screen Credits
4Kids TV The Game Station Sonic X Bumpers
4Kids TV The Game Station Sonic X Promos
4Kids TV The Game Station Sonic X Split Screen Credits
4Kids TV The Game Station 2007
4Kids TV The Game Station 2008
4Kids TV The Game Station Bumpers
4Kids TV The Game Station Promos
4Kids TV The Game Station Split Screen Credits
CW4Kids Sonic X Bumpers
CW4Kids Sonic X Promos
CW4Kids Sonic X Split Screen Credits
CW4Kids 2009
CW4Kids 2010
CW4Kids Promos
CW4Kids Split Screen Credits
CW4Kids Toonzai Sonic X Bumpers
CW4Kids Toonzai Sonic X Promos
CW4Kids Toonzai Sonic X Split Screen Credits
CW4Kids Toonzai 2010
CW4Kids Toonzai 2011
CW4Kids Toonzai 2012
CW4Kids Toonzai Promos
CW4Kids Toonzai Split Screen Credits
Vortexx CW Sonic X Bumpers
Vortexx CW Sonic X Promos
Vortexx CW Sonic X Split Screen Credits
Vortexx CW 2012
Vortexx CW 2013
Vortexx CW 2014
Vortexx CW Bumpers
Vortexx CW Promos
Vortexx CW Split Screen Credits

Time Slots:
0:00 Intro
0:07 Pre-Vid Clip (For Previous Chapter:    • ChrisVortexx98 Saturday Morning Block...   )
1:20 Fox Box Promos and Bumpers
9:13 4Kids TV Promos and Bumpers
22:19 4Kids TV The Game Station Promos and Bumpers
33:09 CW4Kids Promos and Bumpers
37:24 CW4Kids Toonzai Promos and Bumpers
46:53 Vortexx CW Promos and Bumpers
55:25 Fox Box Split Screen Credits
1:05:10 4Kids TV Split Screen Credits
1:14:58 4Kids TV The Game Station Split Screen Credits
1:19:20 CW4Kids Split Screen Credits
1:19:47 CW4Kids Toonzai Split Screen Credits
1:23:24 Vortexx CW Split Screen Credits
1:32:49 Credits and Information w/Games

Fill-Out Form: forms.gle/SAJ34nBEee8sDxJ4A
Game Request Forms: docs.google.com/document/d/1iQ9jfZ-2vD_Yh0ytt0XZxx…
(Short Link: discord.gg/7b9UdG8CnU)

ChrisVortexx98's Gaming Discord Server: discord.gg/nFsrZqSqES

Playlist:    • ChrisVortexx98 Saturday Morning Galle...  

Credits Go To:
CameyP. The Pinch Raccoon and Sheree Fan 2004 ‪@cameyp.tprasf3702‬
FoxBox Archives ‪@foxboxarchives2059‬
Toonami20 ‪@toonami20‬
Smit90 (Discord)
4Kids Flashback ‪@4KidsFlashback‬
Time Pod Archive
CRT Afterglow ‪@CRTAfterglow‬
Jay Abz
Vintage Kid ‪@vintagekid2560‬
Munichmarvel (archive.org)
404's VHS Collection ‪@404sVHSCollection‬
The AVTB Archives ‪@TheAVTBArchives‬
Jay Archives! ‪@jayarchives3453‬
Vic's Archives Palace 2004
RabbitFilmMakerTV ‪@RabbitFilmMakerTV‬
Nanotro ‪@nanotr0‬
VHS Explorers ‪@Theonetruewonderfly‬
CraigS1996's VCR & Media Closet ‪@CraigSsVCRMedia‬
Flipimé-kun (The TTI Guy) (from archive.org)
Veebs Returns ‪@VeebsReturns-d2e‬
lugia's VHS archive ‪@fattylugia‬
ThePreviewsGuyVHSOpenings ‪@thepreviewsguydvdopenings1204‬
Joseph A. Sobora (JoeCool85) ‪@JosephASobora‬
SasKassette ‪@SasKassette‬
Super Cartoonist ‪@SuperCartoonist‬
Sum Square Stories ‪@SumSquareStory‬
Diego Hernandez-Romero VHS DVD Canada
Nicholas Hilton Canada Blu-ray VHS and DVD
Allstar640 (archive.org)
BrandonDillardVHS ‪@brandondillardvhs‬
Kaleb Ingle ‪@kalebingle6239‬
Timbo303Official VHS & DVD Archive ‪@Timbo303Archive‬
Cyan4kids Saturdays
4KidsTVvideos ‪@4KidsTVvideos‬
4KidsTVVids ‪@4KidsTVVids‬
The Bumper Guy ‪@thebumperguy2273‬
It's A Ye Kind of Life ‪@ItsAYeKindofLife43vaawwy33‬
Psycho Dad963 (archive.org)
Panda's Box ‪@PlacebothePanda‬
The Garrett Network 2 Official ‪@thegarrettnetwork2official396‬
Evan’s Media Archive ‪@EvanMediaArchive‬
VHSnancyFinal ‪@vhsnancyfinal1445‬
TeletoonActionForce ‪@TeletoonActionForce‬
ToonzaiVortexx ‪@ToonzaiVortexx‬
4Kids Toonzai ‪@4kidstoonzai99‬
Jaredking779 ‪@jaredking7798‬
Emiliano Munguia
TrentFan13 Logan Productions: Backup Channel ‪@trentfan13loganproductions78‬
Adam River Bolanos ‪@AdamRiverBolanos‬
Brandon Dillard ‪@brandondillard6064‬
DBZFreedom ‪@DBZfreedom‬
VHS commercial freak ‪@vhscommercialfreak7786‬
Zackmaster 500
Advised Gnu69 ‪@advisedgnu69backup72‬
Player1 Gamer TV ‪@Player1GamerTV‬
MrSalut985 ‪@MrSalut985‬
Adam Brink ‪@adambrinkvideos‬
The Vortexx
PR Ultraverse ‪@prultraverse‬
Found Stuff ‪@foundstuff9655‬
Cartoons and Commercials ‪@eleanorthechipettefan7399‬

Mario Kart Wii Friend Code: 5158-4111-2140
Mario Kart Tour Friend Code: 0021 3191 9693

My Gaming Playlist:
   / @christopherbrownchrisvortexx98  

-Magma Mine Intro (Mario Party 9)
-Magma Mine (Mario Party 9)
Soundtrack Composed by Nintendo.

No Copyright infringement is intended.
