
Wajid Layaq - Naray Baran 2.0 - (Pashto Rain Song) | 2023

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Song: Naray Baran 2.0
Produced and Sung by: Wajid Layaq
-Re-recorded with new compositions and also with new lyrics

🌧️✨About othe song
This is a pashto folk song which is sung widely in locals gatherings in KPK (Pakistan) also in Afghanistan from decades, but this was first recorded by Miss Gulnar Begum. I had heard this song first in the voice of Zeek Afridi, and had then posted an acoustic cover of this song which was loved by most of the people. Recently i was asked by a lot of people on instagram to remake this song in a better quality, so i came up with this track “Naray Baran 2.0” . I hope you people will enjoy it! ❤️🌧️

🌧️✨Folk story linked with the song
It is believed that decades back there were two lovers sitting besides the kurrama river (د کورمې سیند) and were talking about their life, suddenly it started raining and slowly and gradually the river started to flood and the beloved was slipped into the deep water. The lover tried to rescue her but the beloved had alread known that she can’t be saved so she told her lover that don’t try to save me just hold my hand till we die together. And hence both of them were drowned in the deep kurrama river.

So after that in their memory these lines were uttered “jaware kurmey ta naseeb rawarhay yama” ~ (fate has brought me to the deep kurrama river) “janana las raka che dwanra sara zu na” ~(darling give me your hand so that we drown and go along together in this river).

-Ka pa shebo shebo baran we, zama pa khpal janan bawar de rabashe
