Build Kafka's Best Friend! (Serval Guide) | Overview/Builds/Rotation/Teams
A full and detailed guide on Serval, the last F2P unit. She has an amazing kit and eidolons and will be on Silver Wolf's banner very soon! ^^
The new playstyle can be difficult but KQM found that Break Effect should just always be better, so we will see at endgame testing! (discord.gg/kqmstarrail)
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Have a guoba day ˁ(◠ᴥ◠)ˀ
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Twitter (maybe I'll post something one day): twitter.com/guobacertified
0:00 Intro and why Serval is so Great
1:04 Stats & Comparisons
1:55 Basic Attack
2:06 Skill: Potent DoT Damage
2:32 Ultimate: Why it's so broken
3:15 Part 1 of Why She's Perfect for Kafka
3:35 Talent: A Hidden but OP Damage Boost
3:52 Technique: Not as Cool as we hoped
4:20 How good are her Traces?
4:18 Skills/Trace Priority
5:01 Serval's OP Eidolons (And E2 Testing)
7:06 Summary on Serval's Power
7:36 Why Break Effect is Strong Part 1
8:17 Early Game Build
8:26 End Game Build Explanation
9:17 Why Break Effect is Strong Part 2
9:36 Disclaimer
9:47 More info on Break Playstyle
10:30 Optimal End Game Relics
11:03 Best Light Cones
11:40 The Break Playstyle Plan
13:10 Best Teams and Partners
Gameplay, Websites: Hoyoverse, Hoyowiki, Prydwen.
SFX and Music: Pixabay
UI Assets: Sr.Toasty