
Why Has the Garden of Eden Been So Difficult to Locate? - Full Video in Description

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The location of the Garden of Eden is described in great detail in the Bible. See the place where it was most likely located!
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The Garden of Eden is described by the Book of Genesis as being the place where the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, were created by God and lived until they fell and were expelled. The Hebrew meaning of Eden is pleasure and delight. It was heaven on earth at that time.​

The Garden of Eden is the first location mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 2) and is the backdrop for one of the most iconic stories of the Bible. Whether or not you believe this to be true history or a purely symbolic or legendary account, it seems undeniable that the Bible treats the Garden as a real place.

Places of Interest
Pishon River
Cush - Ethiopia
Gihon River
Karun River
Tigris River
Euphrates River
Tree of Knowledge
Adam and Eve
Creation of the World
Fall of Adam and Eve
Tree of Good and Evil
