
Parade of Destruction-The Naval Bombardments of Japan 1945-Episode 434

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This week Seth and Bill take a look at an oft-forgotten, but strategically important, episode of the Pacific War. In July 1945, Admiral William F. Halsey took his mighty 3rd Fleet to the very shores of Japan. Sending his carriers into the harbors and towns to wreak havoc, Halsey then detached his surface forces, specifically his battleships, to shell steel mills and infrastructure facilities along the eastern coast of Honshu. Over the final weeks of the war, battleships like USS South Dakota, USS Massachusetts, USS Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, and others, pounded Japanese infrastructure with impunity. The shellings at Kamaishi, Muroran, Hitachi, and other locales devastated Japanese economy and inflicted abject terror into the civilian populace. Tune in to see what the guys have to say about this little known parade of destruction laid on the Japanese towards the end of the war.

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