Coordination for drummers • Triplets Exercise 5 • 120 BPM
Welcome to this exciting video series dedicated to drummer coordination!
In this series, we’ll explore innovative approaches to developing coordination skills, focusing on the unique roles typically associated with each limb.
We’ll use rhythm patterns that have musical significance and are commonly found across various styles, ensuring that our coordination exercises are not only effective but also applicable in real musical situations.
At the core of this series is the use of circular notation, which is central to the concepts presented in each exercise. This approach will help you better understand and apply the coordination techniques. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced drummer, this series aims to elevate your playing and deepen your musicality.
Join us as we dive into the world of coordination and unlock your potential as a drummer!
Description of the exercise :
This fifth exercise finally introduces the coordination of all four limbs. It is the same exercise as Exercise 3, with the difference that the right hand will play an off-beat pattern, derived from the classic ride cymbal pattern in jazz.