
THE LEGEND OF ZELDA - Teaser Trailer (2025) Live Action A.I. Concept

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This is my THE LEGEND OF ZELDA - Teaser Trailer (2025) Live Action A.I. Concept, portrayed through "A.I." I hope you enjoy and if you like it please like, comment and subscribe for many more videos like this weekly.


Big thanks to "Epic Trailer Music UK" for their awesome track used in this video: The Legend of Zelda Theme | EPIC Trailer Version (Tears of the Kingdom) (   • The Legend of Zelda Theme | EPIC Trai...  )

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***The A.I. being used in this video is NOT a deepfake using real face sets of celebrities and other notable people out there, and is used to show in a parody/fun way through motion fan art different roles throughout movies, comics and more.

**This is a Concept Trailer. This was NOT made to fool or scam anyone, it is simply for fans to take a glimpse into what the movie could be like.

**Copyright Disclaimer: This video is protected under fair use, due to the fact that it demonstrates/conceptualizes a specific or non-existing film idea, and compiles clips from previously existing productions to create a creatively unique vision and give new meaning. The video displays visual commentary on how a film idea could look

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