Les Paul Vs ES-335 – That Pedal Show
Mick has a 335, Dan has a Les Paul – what about you?
Life too short for long YouTube videos? See the 'Interesting bits and go-to sections' timings below.
Welcome to the show! Dan and I recently did a Strat Vs Tele episode – • Strat Vs Tele – That Pedal Show – and we enjoyed it more than we thought we would. So it's on to a couple of our favourite Gibson fiddles. That would be the venerable Electric Spanish 335 in my case (Mick here) and the truly legendary Les Paul Standard for Daniel.
This isn't really a video for those of you who know these guitars inside out, though you may enjoy it anyway. Moreover it's aimed at those of you who have an interest in one or the other and/or have been maybe thinking about taking the plunge. Just how much do they differ, given they have more or less the same hardware and electronics complement?
Now clearly, there have been MANY different Lesters and Threethirtyfives down the years and their sounds can vary radically. So don't be all up in our comments section about that. We have what we have and that's what we're using. Two guitars, a bit of fun.
Both of these guitars are 'modern' Gibson reissues of classic year 1958, interestingly enough the same year the ES-335 debuted and the Les Paul Standard turned sunburst.
Sorry we never got to playing the Goldtop… despite promising to at least twice!
Enjoy the episode!
Pedals, amps and stuff in this episode:
• TheGigRig Three2One
• Sonic Research Turbo Tuner ST-300
Australia: bit.ly/2mR1s8c
• JAM Pedals Fuzz Phrase Limited Edition
UK & Europe: bit.ly/39Iq8uW
USA: bit.ly/3FT4UqK
• ProCo Rat 2 Classic Distortion
UK & Europe: bit.ly/2Tmovw3
Australia: bit.ly/2Vj4ntr
USA: bit.ly/3oXrpEi
• Browne Amplification Protein Dual
UK & Europe: bit.ly/2TzGwo6
Australia: bit.ly/3jAGqqY
• Ibanez Tube Screamer Mini
UK & Europe: bit.ly/2dRVXa2
USA: imp.i114863.net/yJ1L2
• BOSS DD-200 Digital Delay
UK & Europe: bit.ly/2kyinR3
Australia: bit.ly/2smiUsQ
USA: bit.ly/3CW39Hx
• JAM Pedals Harmonious Monk
UK & Europe: bit.ly/3rrB6xR
Australia: bit.ly/3rJBJAb
USA: bit.ly/3p4En2Z
• TheGigRig G3
Why do we have preferred retailer links? Find out here: www.thatpedalshow.com/partners
Interesting bits and go-to sections:
Intro playing: 00:00
What are we doing today?: 01:15
Today’s guitars: 02:30
Clean tones: 04:25
Tuning and intonation?: 09:45
What Mick loves about the ES-335: 12:35
…and with more gain, 335 & Les Paul: 15:40
What about feedback?: 20:46
Mid-focussed fusiony stuff?: 24:15
Mid-gain rock?: 30:50
Knock the volume pot back: 33:25
Both pickups – Clapton? And woman tone?: 38:50
Fuzz? 45:33
Harmonious Monk!: 49:15
Woss yer fave then?: 53:20
Guitars in this episode:
• Gibson Memphis 1958 ES-335 (2017 model) – Mick’s video at: • Gibson Memphis 1958 ES-335 – Mick's V...
• Gibson Custom 1958 Les Pal Standard (2002 model) – Dan’s video at: • That Pedal Show – Our Guitars & Gear:...
Amps in this episode
• Two Rock Classic Reverb Signature with Two-Rock 112 cabinet / WGS12L speaker
• Fender ’65 Deluxe Reverb
We hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe to our channel.
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UK & Europe: Andertons Music bit.ly/2cRvIvt
Australia: Pedal Empire bit.ly/2mWmJQf
USA: That Pedal Shop www.thatpedalshop.com/