Let's Make Red-Blue Panels in Game Builder Garage
I was playing some courses from 3D Land on the 3DS and came across these red-blue panels again. I thought it was interesting how they can throw a wrench in your basic platforming when you add complications to the course like collecting objects, or switching the platforms on beat to the music. These can be a cool tool in your 3D platforming arsenal to make some creative levels so I wanted to share a quick and easy system to set them up!
The basic function revolve arounds swinging a Z hinge to complete a full underhand rotation whenever a certain input is sent out. The harder parts of implementing this would be lining them up on a programming screen and wiring everything correctly, but if you have the patience, it can pay off!
Of course, you can also use some things from this build to create other simple moving platforms that rotate or move around on-beat.
Questions, suggestions, requests? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for watching,
have a lovely day!
#GameBuilderGarage #SuperMario #Davenodon
Game: Game Builder Garage
Genre: Programming Game
Platforms: Nintendo Switch
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Release Year: 2021