
Touring The MOST EXCLUSIVE CAR DEALERSHIP in Nigeria | Inside Polanco Exotic Cars

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Today, we are touring the most exclusive car dealership in Nigeria, Polanco Cars.

Polanco is a Car dealership that started only 1 year ago and has slowly risen to be the most exclusive car dealership that offers high-end luxury and supercars with notable sales ranging from Wizkid's Ferrari SF90, Bishop Oyedepo's Rolls-Royce Polanco, Burnaboy's Ferraro Purosangue, Rema's Lamborghini Urus and Bentley Bentayga just to name a few.

In this video, Richie sits down with the manager of Polanco Exotic Cars taking a deep dive into the world of selling some of the world's most exclusive cars.

0:00 - Intro
02:49 - The Cars
13:30 - Cost of cars
23:27 - Abuja vs Lagos
26:05 - The Business
