
The Unreleased Skins of TDS

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Skins you may or may have not seen that were never released to Tower Defense Simulator officially. These skins can be lurking in the game files or simply never added at all, living in the pitts of BelowNaturals of never released stuff.

Information in this video may not entirely be true!
(^^ Some things I could be misinformed of)

0:46 - Intro
4:45 - Skins and Tiers
5:28 - Outro

Tower Defense Simulator is a game about defending a base from zombies. Hordes of zombies are trying to get to your base. It gets harder with each wave. There are many maps and modes in TDS. You can play one, two, three, four or eight. You will need to pump your level and buy fighters to defend the base. As you increase your level, you will have access to new maps, modes and units. There are easy maps and newbie modes. But there are also very difficult ones on which you can test yourself. You can play with people from all over the world.

#roblox​ #tds​ #towerdefensesimulator​​
