
The BEST Guide to MAXIMIZE Acheron! | Relics, Light Cones, Teams

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Here is my complete guide to Acheron, the newest and strongest DPS in Star Rail (with caveats ofc)! She has some crazy damage potential, but has her problems, though that comes with great benefits too. I fully explain her kit, and I also go through Acheron's best build with her best relics, best light cones including her signature, main stats, and stat goals. I also give some important energy rotations and provide synergies and teams, going through Black Swan and Kafka, Welt Acheron teams, Trend Preservation teams, and much more! Like, sub, and share if this helped!
Have a guoba day! ˁ(◠ᴥ◠)ˀ

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00:00 Intro
00:39 Stats & Trace Priority
01:01 Talent
01:26 Slashed Dream / Crimson Knot Explained
02:28 Skill
02:48 The BEST Technique
03:22 Acheron Ultimate is Crazy
04:25 When to Ult on Acheron?
05:00 Her OP Trace Passives
06:20 Eidolon Review: How Strong is E2?
07:33 Acheron Best Relics
08:24 Acheron Best Planar Sets
08:43 Acheron Main Stats & Stat Goal
09:33 How Good is Her Light Cone?
10:43 Acheron Best Light Cone
11:14 Acheron's Strengths
12:27 Her Problems
13:29 How to Get Her Ult Fast!
15:05 Teambuilding: DoT Units?
15:32 Black Swan Kafka Acheron
16:36 The Best Acheron Allies
17:01 Sparkle Acheron?
17:41 2 Harmony Units?
18:10 Sustain Option 1: Gallagher
18:24 Preservation Sustain
19:51 Welt Sustain
20:20 Acheron Best Teams

Gameplay, Websites: Hoyoverse, Hoyowiki, Youtube, Prydwen
SFX and Music: Pixabay, Hoyoverse, HoyoMix.
Model Rigged by Jupiter of Europa Craftworks (twitter.com/EuropaCrafts)

#honkaistarrail #hoyocreators #acheron #hsrguide
