
The Nightmare World of Dreamworks Games - Caddicarus

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Over 1 month in the making. From Shark Tale to Shrek Superslam, from Madagascar to Shrek 2 - get ready to see Caddy dive into nearly 20 Dreamworks games, and go insane. GET 3 MONTHS OF EXPRESS VPN FOR FREE RIGHT HERE - expressvpn.com/caddy . Subscribe and hit that bell. youtube.com/user/Caddicarus?sub_confirmation=1 ▼ FOLLOW MY SOCIALS ▼

Watch the worst Dreamworks games here:    • The Nightmare World of Dreamworks Gam...  

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Dreamworks games are everywhere, aren’t they? It’s almost as bad as Disney games. There’s just one problem, though - Disney games have some gold in there. Dreamworks games tend not to. I remember playing tonnes of them when I was a kid - mostly on the original Xbox and the PS2. Shrek 2 Xbox, Shrek Superslam PS2, Madagascar Xbox, Over the Hedge PS2, Shark Tale PS2 - I was kind of obsessed back in the day. The crazy thing though, is that despite playing all these games for HOURS back then, and finishing them all 100%.... I don’t remember anything about them. There’s a few gems like Shrek 2 PS2 and even from the likes of Shrek Superslam gameplay, but as a whole, my memories from Dreamworks games have been mixed to terrible. Then we get modern day rubbish like some of the worst kinect games ever, like Penguins of Madagascar. I’m at least glad I didn’t get to see the likes of Shrek Treasure Hunt PS1, though. Because oh, man. In this video, I’ll be diving into nearly 20 dreamworks games - so get ready to see Shark Tale gameplay, Shrek 2 gameplay, Shrek Superslam gameplay, Over the Hedge gameplay, Hammy Goes Nuts DS, Turbo DS, How to Train Your Dragon 2 gameplay, Kung Fu Panda gameplay, Bee Movie gameplay (no Bee Movie Memes, sorry), Shrek Treasure Hunt gameplay, Madagascar gameplay, Antz Extreme Racing gameplay, Shrek Extra Large gameplay (a horrific remake of Shrek 1 Xbox), Shrek Super Party gameplay, Penguins of Madagascar gameplay (ON THE KINECT, OH JOY), and even Dreamworks Super Star Kartz gameplay. Nearly every system is covered, too - PS2, PS1 Xbox, Xbox 360, Gamecube, Nintendo DS, Kinect, PS3 - the whole shabang. No console is safe from Oscar in Shark Tale. No mind is safe from any Dreamworks cinematic disaster. Not even video games.

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OLLY'S CAMERA WORK! = youtube.com/SuperOllyRoss

Watch more comedy reviews like my worst games of all time on my channel! | Caddicarus


#DreamWorks #Shrek #KungFuPanda
