
Vibhuti ने किससे झूठ बोला? | Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai Full Ep 140 | 11 Sep 15 | Anita | @andtvchannel

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Full Episodes:    • Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai | Hindi Comedy ...  
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David discovers Anita at Manmohan's residence. Ammaji arrives at Manmohan's home, and he delays her at the door until Angoori returns. Ammaji grows suspicious and checks the bedroom, only to find Angoori sleeping there. David prepares to leave as his flight is about to depart. During a religious morning ritual, Ammaji, Manmohan, and Angoori participate together. However, David returns due to a flight delay and witnesses Manmohan and Angoori together. Suspicious, he questions Vibhuti about their relationship.

Show Name : Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai!
Producer/Star Cast: Aasif Sheikh, Saumya Tandon, Rohitashv Gour, Shilpa Shinde
Episode No : 140

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About Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai! :

Tiwari likes his neighbor, Vibhuti's ultramodern wife, Anita, and Vibhuti likes Tiwari's simple wife, Angoori. Their quest to impress each other's wives often leads to hilarious situations..

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Click here watch Week In Shorts on YouTube ►PL_bx64ia-qJkf9bFw6Qp2vF57HbX9H9Co

Vibhuti ने किससे झूठ बोला? | Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai Full Ep 140 | 11 Sep 15 | Anita | ‪@andtvchannel‬
