Pepperidge Farm | The Consumers Ep. 21
It is Pepperidge Farm Day! Things got a little dicey in Virgina. Randy takes another beating for his private label proclivities. After a 73 episodes hiatus, Tim tries another “Mmm Mmm Good” joke. Sean’s word of the week may become an integral part of the podcast. Greg thinks 250 x 4 equals One Million; Sean’s grammar is an embarrassment, and Tim struggles with the letter “S”. Tim and Sean double down on the “Greg’s a bully” talk. We might have a new sign-off!
3:50 - A non-essential restaurant employee in Richmond.
26:19 - Pepperidge History.
32:00 - Asthma Bread?
40:00 - Goldfish!
45:40 Tim tries an accent. We are not sure what it was.
47:09 - Sean may have struck gold with this week’s word.
52:10 - We have to hear Tim’s duck joke from the Lego episode. Again.
54:10 - Goldfish smile test.
59:47 - Some interesting theories on the star of the Pepperidge Farm
1:01:01 Sean is wrong. Again. Really wrong.
1:09:14 Convy’s Comments. And he tries this time.
Greg Warren (www.instagram.com/GrockWarren)
Tim Convy (www.instagram.com/TimConvy)
Sean O'Brien (www.instagram.com/thatSeanOBrien)
Podcast produced by Nate & Laura Bargatze, Adrian Kulp, Greg Warren, Randy Cash, Martin Murphy, and Abigail Bargatze.
Art design by Dan Wade and Lane Twellman.
Music by Kevin Bowers.
#TheConsumerspod #Comedy #Podcast #NatelandEntertainment #stlouis #natebargatze #podcast #comedians #nateland #pepperidgefarm #snacks #cookies