The Scarehouse-Creepy Carnival Of Ghosts-Original Song-Ryan McDonald-Creepy Carnival Horror Music
Hey guys ! again welcome to my halloween themed upload of ryan and the cat daddy band's music ! :) Here is my latest original song i have just written and composed in G minor which is a creepy spooky song about abandoned haunted theme parks and abandoned haunted amusement parks, and abandoned haunted carnivals and spooky fairs and spooky easter shows in new zealand etc. My song is called "The Scarehouse-The Creepy Carnival Of Ghosts Song" by me Ryan and The Cat Daddy Band. To be enjoyed especially on halloween night and in the month of halloween of October(or whatever month and date you celebrate halloween in your country) My little story that goes with this is that there is a haunted ghost of a lonely british soldier who roams the dark haunted abandoned theme park carnival at night time who contributed to colonization of new zealand with captain cooke during the 1800's musket wars of new zealand according to the history of new zealand as the british soldier ghost roams the haunted theme park on waitangai day. The historical british soldier of 1800's new zealand and the british governer ghosts are looking to buy more land from the maori tribal chief land owner providing the maori land owner is willing to sell. According to my history of new zealand research, alot of that historical moari land was actually taken by force by the british. Now the maori want alot of their land back. and guess what ? just recently the maori have recently managed to win some of that land back, along with an official apology aswell from the crown and the british of great britain and from the new zealand government. I like to improvise with the G minor pentatonic scale and the G minor diatonic scale and the G minor Blues Scale and use chord tone targeting and play my own lead piano organ solo over the top of this track on flying circus piano mode on garageband on my midi piano keyboard at home in my studio. Enjoy ! Thanks ! :)
If you would like the chord sheet to this song here it is :