How to ACTUALLY Build & Use Silver Wolf | Overview/Builds/Rotations/Teams
This is all my thoughts, comparisons, takes, maths on the awesome Silver Wolf. She is an incredible support but has many nuances and is currently the most complex character in the game. I compare all the options other people are considering and give my own new options which I consider to be better. Remember I can be wrong so let me know your own takes.
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0:00 Intro
0:29 What this Video will Discuss
1:25 Silver Wolf Overview
1:49 How Good are her Base Stats?
2:46 Basic Attack
2:57 Skill: And How it Works
5:08 Ultimate: The Strongest DEF Reduction
5:28 Talent: Additional Mini Debuffs
5:55 How do the Bugs Work?
6:18 Technique: The Best Overworld Technique
6:52 OP Trace Passives & Bonuses
8:04 What Traces to Prioritize?
8:16 The Problem with her E1: How strong is it?
10:06 Her second Eidolon: OP but is it Worth?
11:42 Eidolons 4 and 6
12:46 Why Silver Wolf is So Strong
13:35 Her Full Team Boost Calculated
15:25 An important note for future units
15:40 Best Relics
16:12 Musketeer Versus Eagle Set
17:22 Best Planar Ornaments Comparison
18:09 Main Stats
18:41 Break Effect Build?
18:57 Why Energy Rope is Bad (IMO)
21:59 Substats
22:26 Effect Hit Rate Requirements
23:23 Best Light Cones
24:11 Rotations Recap
24:30 How to still use Mono Teams
25:03 Why Mono Quantum is OP in 1.3
25:54 Dual Element Teams
26:16 The Bridge Technique
27:21 Best Current Teammates?
Gameplay, Websites: Hoyoverse, Hoyowiki, Prydwen.
SFX and Music: Pixabay
UI Assets: Sr.Toasty