
Can AI Read Your Mind?

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By identifying patterns in neural firings, non-invasive AI systems are learning to decode human thought and translate the result into language. Leading researchers Michael Blumenstein and Jerry Tang join Brian Greene to describe the latest achievements of such "mind reading technologies" and where this research may shortly take us.

This program is part of the Big Ideas series, supported by the John Templeton Foundation.

Michael Blumenstein
Jerry Tang

Brian Greene

00:00 - Introduction
07:28 - Participant Introductions
10:27 - Decoding Thoughts with AI Using FMRI
23:34 - Reading EEG Signals Using AI
32:08 - The Future of Encoding Thoughts
35:46 - What Does Decoding Teach Us About How Words Work in the Brain?
37:48 - How Accurate is EEG and FMRI Decoding and How Can it Improve?
42:56 - Credits

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