Linux Tech Tips EP#21: Testing Mangohud Alternatives
Today we are looking at alternatives for MangoHud. As we all know MangoHud has become the standard for displaying your performance metrics etc while you are gaming. There is also a few others that you can use, like Gallium Hud for OpenGL, DXVK Hud for DX11 games, and the Mesa Overlay which works for DX11 and DX12 games.
==Time Stamps==
0:16 Test setup
0:37 System Requirements
0:47 Overview
1:03 Gallium Hud
1:42 Sample Heroic Launcher Setup
1:57 DXVK HUD vs MangoHud vs Mesa Overlay
==Setup Notes for Steam==
mangohud -- mangohud gamemoderun %command%
DXVK_HUD -- DXVK_HUD=devinfo,fps,frametimes,memory,gpuload gamemoderun %command%
Mesa Overlay -- VK_INSTANCE_LAYERS=VK_LAYER_MESA_overlay VK_LAYER_MESA_OVERLAY_CONFIG=device=1,fps=1,frame_timing=1,gpu_timing=1,position=top-right gamemoderun %command%
#linuxtechtips #shadowofthetombraider #mangohud