
They’ve been lying to you! 😬

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A mortgage is a trap.

You’re essentially locking yourself in jail.

Let me explain:

You never truly own your home with a mortgage.

The bank owns it. You’re essentially renting from them… with interest.

Miss a few payments and they’ll happily take "your" house and find a new tenant.

And unlike renting, which often comes with yearly contracts allowing you flexibility…

You’re trapped for often up to 3 decades.

Even if you manage to pay it off someday, you’re not free from hidden costs.

Stamp duty
Lawyer fees

These are constant costs that could be spent investing in yourself and your future.

But this isn’t about Rent vs Mortgage.

There are alternatives, and no one talks about them.

People tell me, “I don’t have the money to chase my dream,” but the truth is…

The money they need is locked in unnecessary costs they don’t need… (but they’re comfortable with).

We’ve been brainwashed into believing the only options are renting or buying.

They’re not.

When I started my first business, I didn’t have a mortgage.

I bartered for an office and lived in it for six months.

When I moved to Hong Kong, I stayed in a friend’s spare room.

No rent, no mortgage, no anchor holding me back.

That freedom allowed me to invest in myself and my business, which later gave me the wealth to retire at 40… and buy my home outright.

When you’re young, a mortgage isn’t stability, It’s a trap.

The “get a mortgage” narrative is outdated.

It’s a system designed to keep you in debt, paying for something that owns you, while funding the banks.

Most people die in the house they thought they owned.

And before you say, “What about buy-to-let?”

My dad died managing ‘good debt.’

It’s not the perfect investment everyone makes it out to be.

Avoid debt. Chase freedom. Focus on your purpose.

Let’s stop glorifying mortgages and start glorifying freedom.
