"राजा रूपसेन और वफादार बीरबल का त्याग" ।। Inspiration Story ।। #hindistories
"राजा रूपसेन और वफादार बीरबल का त्याग" ।। Inspiration Story ।। #hindistories
This is the extraordinary story of King Roopsen and his loyal soldier, Birbal. Known for his bravery and unwavering devotion, Birbal joined the king’s service with a unique request—100 gold coins as daily wages. While others doubted his worth, the king trusted him. One night, Birbal encountered Goddess Lakshmi, who warned him of an impending disaster that could claim the king’s life. The only way to prevent this fate was through an extreme sacrifice. Without hesitation, Birbal offered the ultimate test of loyalty, proving his selflessness. But fate had its own twists—what happened next was beyond imagination. Watch the full video to witness the power of loyalty, sacrifice, and divine intervention.
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#धर्म औरसत्य
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ये कहानी बहुत छोटी सी है, लेकिन इसमें जो हमने समझने की कोशिश की है, वो एक बहुत बड़ा किरदार निभाता है, 💯
अगर आपको वीडियो पसंद आए तो हमारे साथ अवश्य जुड़े? हम ऐसे ही नोलेज और इंटरटेनमेंट वाले वीडियो लाते रहेंगे।😃