
I Can Show Numbers in Different Ways Song | Representing Numbers | Kindergarten

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Thank you for watching our song about showing numbers in different ways.

The NUMBEROCK Bluegrass Band is back with Suzy and friends as they learn about numerals, counting objects, five frames, ten frames, tally marks, and all the other number types we see in our daily lives... like in playing games with dice or dominoes, keeping track of the days, planting a garden, or even planning a road trip. We welcome you to sing along with us if you agree that "Counting numbers can be so much fun! Numbers are for Everyone!!"

This video covers math standards in Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade.

Learning Goals:
I can show and represent numbers in different ways.
I can count the numbers 1-10 using my 10 fingers.
I can communicate a number as a standard numeral or through its written word equivalent.
I can compose numbers using tally marks, five frames, ten frames and base ten blocks.
I can showcase a number using a number line, or by representing the amount using pictures.
I can use play items like dice and dominoes to learn how to subitize (the act of instantly recognizing a group of objects without having to count the individual objects).
