
Various Brands of City Buses in Singapore #bus #sgbus #sbs #smrt #gasg #ttsg #singaporebus

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Transportation Insights films a YouTube short on the various brands of city buses in Singapore.
Inspired from ‪@NoodleBuses‬


Instagram: www.instagram.com/transportation.insights/?hl=enx
Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/187754632@N07/
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/bus.fotos

Member of @buses.thru.the.lens:


Song Used: Le Monde
Link:    • Le Monde  


All footage is filmed and edited by Transportation Insights.

Feel free to DM me if you wish to use some of the scenes used in the video :)

(For the best experience, use a pair of head/earphones and watch the video in full quality.)


Please, Like, Comment, and Subscribe. Lastly, enjoy the video :)
