
Catching Spies in Cold War West Germany | 1960s Spycraft Documentary (1963)

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On 12 December 1963, ITN broadcast "The Spy Catchers", Sandy Gall's special report on the West German police units working to combat spies from Eastern European countries in the capital city of Bonn. It was estimated at the time that some 16,000 Communist spies were operating in West Germany, many of them focusing their efforts on Bonn. Officers of West Germany's special branch ("Sicherungsgruppe") were engaged in counter-espionage work, uncovering and arresting agents of the Eastern Bloc, and preventing them from infiltrating government ministries. The report features a reconstruction of a raid against a suspected spy, as well as an interview with the West German Federal Minister of the Interior, Hermann Höcherl, on concerns about the employment of former Nazi officials in West Germany's state security services.

#ColdWar #WestGermany #Bonn #Spies #Spying #Spy #Communism #Communists #Communist #FederalRepublicOfGermany #FRG #BundesRepublikDeutschland #BRD #SovietUnion #Soviet #SovietWave #USSR #DDR #DeutscheDemokratischeRepublik #Espionage #CounterEspionage #Intelligence #CounterIntelligence

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