Paris by Bike
Part 2 of a very nice bicyle Tour through Paris starting from the Montparnasse Station until the Austerlitz Railway and Metro Station and in Part II until "Place de la Bastille". It is very comfortable that public transport Bus lanes and Taxi lanes are free for bicycle riders too. You have to be friendly to them however. Let them pass and they let you pass. And if you are an obese tourist on a rental bike who thinks that competing with a TrexStar Acer Mountain Bike (with myself on it) can be done by jumping all red traffic lights: be aware that Police and law enforcement are using those lanes too. And suddenly you sit in a police car having to read the book of traffic rules for at least 30 minutes (like it happened to me one time when I did not stop at a STOP sign and then WAS STOPPED around the corner and also to the lady in the clip). It costs you nothing but your great victory of being the fastest bicycle tourist of Paris and 30 minutes of lifewtime. Therefore: all traffic rules are made for bikers too.
In the second part some interesting thing ws that like on all Sundays some roads were closed for the weekly Sunday Roller Skating Tour. This time more than 2000 Skaters felt it would be good to join (see part II)
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