These are the 5 WORST cities for Blacks in America | The 5
#blackexcellence #worstcities #equity
But which are the richest Black communities in America? Watch this: • The 5 RICHEST Black communities in Am...
Are you considering moving to a new city? Before you pack your boxes, check this list to see if the city you’re considering is one of the worst cities in America for Blacks.
In this episode of The 5, we look at the 5 worst cities in America for Blacks.
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All content provided by Black Excellence Media, LLC is for entertainment purposes only. None of the information or advice provided is to replace professional advice.
Equipment Used:
Camera: Sony FS5- amzn.to/2WkICNK
Audio: Sony UWP-D- amzn.to/3m1ZGAN
Lighting: Godox SL-60 LED amzn.to/3ocRHUk
Tripod: Manfrotto Carbon Fiber Tripod- amzn.to/3ufdOue
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