
Elif Episode 236 | English Subtitle

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Watch episode 236 of the Elif series with english subtitles.

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They take Selim to the hospital. Zeynep can take a couple of steps, but is all torn up. Everyone rushes to the hospital. Seeing that Zeynep can stand up is a bitter-sweet surprise.

They operate on Selim and take the bullet out, but his condition is still critical. They take him to the ICU.

Kenan gives a statement to the police. He tells them there's no one they suspect, and they don't have enemies. He plans to deal with Nejdet himself, but Aliye tells him he cannot leave them under the circumstances, and convinces Kenan not to go.

Gonca is devastated to hear that Selim's been shot. Selim's picture in her hands, she cries constantly. Nejdet calls her, but she doesn't pick up.

When they get back from school Tuğçe and Elif are surprised to see that no one's home, but when Kiraz tell then that everyone's out on errands, they start playing.

Nejdet is glad that Erkut shot Selim.

Murat invites Feride to Veysel's wedding and buys her a dress. Feride is very happy, and the dress Murat's bought looks very nice on her.

Melahat starts haunt the restaurant again. When she sees the dress she gets angry, has Feride to take it off, and she rips it Feride is very sorry.

Veyse and Tülay are very happy and shopping for their new home. Murat helps them. Melek calls Veysel and tells him Selim's been shot. Murat and Veysel go to the hospital together.

Arzu meets Serdar. Serdar's face is still swollen. She understands that Nejdet has done it. Arzu and Serdar are determined to get revenge for all he's done. When she goes back to the farm, Arzu hears that Selim's been shot, but doesn't go to the hospital. She tells Gonca to tell her is she hears anything. Arzu knows it was Nejdet's who had Selim shot.

Erkut cannot get Zeynep out of his mind. He still believes that if he hadn't given up on her, everything would have been different, and at least he wouldn't have been a murderer.

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