달러는 왜 세계 경제의 중심이 되었을까? 전 세계가 달러를 원하는 이유|기축통화국 미국, 금융의 중심 미국 달러|인플레이션 쉽게 이해하기|돈의 전쟁|다큐프라임|#골라듄다큐
Inflation has shaped our lives more than we realize. A 65-cent burger now costs $5, and a bowl of noodles once 500 KRW is now 7,000 KRW. But why does money lose value over time? The exchange rate of the US dollar impacts everything—from heat-resistant fabric imports in Busan to international transactions in Cambodia. How did the dollar become the world’s dominant currency? And is your salary really increasing? Understanding nominal vs. real wages is the first step to seeing through the illusion of money.