
ഇന്ത്യൻ ഗവൺമെന്റിന്റെ കീഴിൽ വിദേശത്ത് ജോലി | Indian Foreign Service Explained | IFS Malayalam

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Indian Foreign Service (IFS) is one of the most glamorous services in the Indian Civil Services. People are not much aware of the postings, positions, salary etc. of the Indian Foreign Service because IFS officers work in foreign countries for most of their careers. This video explains the career of IFS officers including their selection, training, foreign and domestic posting, salary, benefits, responsibilities etc. Their positions in both foreign missions of India as well as in the Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi are also explained in detail. To understand the life of an IFS officer, a real-life example of Dr. S Jaishankar IFS is also included in this video.

#indianforeignservice #ifsofficer #alexplain

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