
Bach - St John Passion BWV 245 - Van Veldhoven | Netherlands Bach Society

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The St John Passion, performed by the Nederlands Bach Society for All of Bach, was the first Passion Bach had written as cantor in Leipzig. The Passion story as told in the Gospel of John is different from that told by the other three evangelists – Matthew, Luke and Mark. John’s version places the emphasis on Christ’s divine origin. Throughout his suffering, this divine origin still plays a role and nowhere is Jesus as human as in the other gospels.

For this performance, we selected a cast of singers under the age of 35. Apart from the leaders, all the orchestra members are also younger than 35. The concert series was preceded by a course of auditions and masterclasses.

Recorded for the project All of Bach on March 11th 2017 at the Grote Kerk, Naarden. If you want to help us complete All of Bach, please subscribe to our channel bit.ly/2vhCeFB and consider donating bit.ly/2uZuMj5.

For the interview with musicians from the Netherlands Bach Society on the St John Passion go to    • Musicians on Bach St John Passion BWV...  
For the interview with conductor Jos van Veldhoven on leitmotifs in the St John Passion go to    • Van Veldhoven on Bach St John Passion...  
For the behind-the-scenes of the auditions for the St John Passion go to    • Bach - St John Passion BWV 245 - The ...  
For the behind-the-scenes of the masterclasses for BWV 245 go to    • Bach - St John Passion BWV 245 - The ...  
For the behind-the-scenes of the general rehearsal of BWV 245 go to    • Bach - St John Passion BWV 245 - Gene...  
For more information on BWV 245 and this production go to allofbach.com/en/bwv/bwv-245/

All of Bach is a project of the Netherlands Bach Society / Nederlandse Bachvereniging, offering high-quality film recordings of the works by Johann Sebastian Bach, performed by the Netherlands Bach Society and her guest musicians. Visit our free online treasury for more videos and background material allofbach.com/en/. For concert dates and further information go to www.bachvereniging.nl/nederlandse-bachvereniging.

Netherlands Bach Society
Jos van Veldhoven, conductor

Raphael Höhn, evangelist (tenor)
Myriam Arbouz, soprano
Maria Valdmaa (Maid), soprano
Daniël Elgersma, alto
Marine Fribourg, alto
Gwilym Bowen, tenor
Guy Cutting (Servant), tenor
Felix Schwandtke (Jesus), bass
Drew Santini (Peter), bass
Angus Mc Phee (Pilate), bass

0:00:00 Herr unser Herrscher (Chor)
0:11:42 Jesum von Nazareth (Chor)
0:13:03 O große Lieb (Choral)
0:15:16 Dein Will gescheh (Choral)
0:17:06 Von den Stricken meiner Sünden (Arie)
0:21:56 Ich folge dir gleichfalls (Arie)
0:28:31 Wer hat dich so geschlagen (Choral)
0:30:55 Bist du nicht seiner Jünger (Chor)
0:32:53 Ach, mein Sinn (Arie)
0:36:05 Petrus, der nicht denkt zurück (Choral)
0:37:40 Christus, der uns selig macht (Choral)
0:39:31 Wäre dieser nicht einer Übeltäter (Chor)
0:40:42 Wir dürfen niemand töten (Chor)
0:43:00 Ach großer König (Choral)
0:46:12 Nicht diesen, sondern Barrabam (Chor)
0:46:55 Betrachte, meine Seel (Arioso)
0:49:23 Erwäge, wie sein blutgefärbter Rücken (Arie)
0:56:24 Sei gegrüßet, lieber Jüdenkönig (Chor)
0:57:50 Kreuzige, kreuzige (Chor)
0:58:59 Wir haben ein Gesetz (Chor)
1:01:36 Durch dein Gefängnis, Gottes Sohn (Choral)
1:02:50 Lässest du diesen los (Chor)
1:04:35 Weg, weg mit dem (Chor)
1:05:42 Wir haben keinen König (Chor)
1:06:46 Eilt, ihr angefochtnen Seelen (Arie)
1:11:46 Schreibe nicht: der Jüden König (Chor)
1:12:39 In meines Herzens Grunde (Choral)
1:14:32 Lasset uns den nicht zerteilen (Chor)
1:17:46 Er nahm alles wohl in acht (Choral)
1:20:28 Es ist vollbracht (Arie)
1:26:21 Mein teurer Heiland (Arie)
1:31:03 Mein Herz indem die ganze Welt (Arioso)
1:32:01 Zerfließe, mein Herze (Arie)
1:40:43 O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn (Choral)
1:43:44 Ruht wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine (Chor)
1:50:43 Ach Herr, laß dein lieb Engelein (Choral)
