Dagan chats to (and gets his face melted!) by the one and only Jared James Nichols! Jared joins Dagan during his 2024 European tour to talk through his killer touring rig! Showcasing his legendary 'Dorothy' 1952 Les Paul, his new customised Ibanez TS808 Tubescreamer & of course, his brand new SIGNATURE Blackstar St James Amps!
Get your own Epiphone 'Blues Power' Jared James Nichols Les Paul at PMT Online here - bit.ly/3Beql8L
Grab yourself a Blackstar St James Amp like Jared here - bit.ly/3s2pEv3
Find ALL Blackstar Amps here - bit.ly/3rS8PmF
All Epiphone Guitars - bit.ly/3F15m8B
All Gibson Guitars - bit.ly/3IO0gxm
Watch our in-depth Jared James Nichols interview about 'Dorothy', his original 1952 Gibson Les Paul, Which is one of the FIRST Les Pauls ever made, here - • Jared James Nichols Interview At Gibs...
In this video, see how Jared James Nichols gets his signature tone, which guitars he's currently using on tour, Jared's simple but powerful setup, as well as some awesome stories and tricks on how to power up your playing!
Jared is a force to be reconned with, his mighty tone is instantly recognisable and unmistakable! Forging his own path with insane guitar playing and powerful vocals, Jared continues to take the world by storm with his own unique brand of BLUESPOWER! Brandishing a Les Paul through a Blackstar Amp turned up to 11, he melts faces the world over. Check out his latest, critically acclaimed self-titled album to hear this first hand!
0:00 Intro Playing
0:29 Welcome, Jared! How's The Tour Going?
2:07 How's 'Dorothy'? - Jared's 1952 Gibson Les Paul
6:56 Coily Cables Are AWESOME!
8:00 NEW Custom Ibanez Tubescreamer
13:25 No Tuner?!
15:26 Jared's NEW Signature Blackstar St James JJN-50!
#JaredJamesNichols #RigRundown #JJN #Epiphone #EpiphoneGuitars #Gibson #LesPaul
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