JP Eagles and Katz
The big move downstairs is finally here for Port's Oranges!

Follow this great young mom cat and kittens while they grow up until they are old enough to get adopted.

I am not the foster of these great cats! I just love capturing great moments and editing them and sharing them with other cat loving people!!!

Please visit kitten.academy/
and the Kitten Academy youtube channel:
   / @kittenacademy  

All videos on this channel are captured and edited by me. They are made with material from the Kitten Academy website or the Kitten Academy youtube channel linked above. Do not reuse my videos or any part of it. You can link to the original youtube video though.

The rights to the videos on this channel belong to me and Kitten Academy
and may not be republished, redistributed
without explicit written consent by me or Kitten Academy
