
Sermon on the Mount - The Lord's Prayer

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Join us at Founded in Truth Fellowship this Saturday, November 9th, for worship at 11:00 a.m. EST. We’d love to have you for fellowship and a light breakfast starting at 10:00 a.m.

In this message, we’ll dive into "The Lord’s Prayer" as part of our Sermon on the Mount series, looking at how it stands apart from pagan practices. Unlike prayers for personal gain or attention, the Lord’s Prayer is a daily reminder to align our lives with God’s purpose, bringing heaven and earth closer together. Through simple yet profound words, Yeshua calls us to seek God’s will, embrace humility, and live in gratitude, drawing us into a life that reflects God’s kingdom on earth.

Together, we'll discuss how this prayer calls us to live with humility, gratitude, and faith, transcending daily concerns to embrace a greater purpose. If you're seeking a deeper understanding of prayer that connects you with God's kingdom vision, this message will offer new perspectives and encouragement.

#MessianicTeachings #FoundedInTruth #MatthewVanderEls #SermonOnTheMount #TheLordsPrayer #ConnectingHeavenToEarth #YeshuaTeachings #BiblicalPrayer #ChristianFaith #DailyPrayer #PrayerLife #MessianicCommunity

About Founded in Truth Fellowship:
We are a Messianic community in Rock Hill, SC, gathering on Saturdays to immerse ourselves in the teachings of Yeshua and our biblical heritage.

To support our outreach and teachings, donate HERE: foundedintruth.com/give

Discover more about our church:
Website: foundedintruth.com/
What to expect when you visit: foundedintruth.com/visit/

Location: Founded in Truth Fellowship
Address: 1689 Springsteen Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730
Time: 11:00 AM EST
