Torah Portion Tetzaveh | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Tetzaveh | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
The Time is Now - The Book of Esther
Founded In Truth
The Time is Now - The Book of Esther
Torah Portion Mishpatim | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Mishpatim | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Abraham was NOT the Good Guy
Founded In Truth
Abraham was NOT the Good Guy
Sermon on the Mount - Do Not Judge, Or You Too Will Be Judged
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Do Not Judge, Or You Too Will Be Judged
Torah Portion Yitro | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Yitro | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sunday School: Gideon - I'm Sorry I'm Not Perfect
Founded In Truth
Sunday School: Gideon - I'm Sorry I'm Not Perfect
Torah Portion Beshalach | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Beshalach | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Purpose: Moving from Fear to Faith
Founded In Truth
Purpose: Moving from Fear to Faith
Torah Portion Va'era | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Va'era | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Don't Worry, Be Happy
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Don't Worry, Be Happy
Torah Portion Shemot | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Shemot | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Storing Up Treasures in Heaven
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Storing Up Treasures in Heaven
Torah Portion Miketz | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Miketz | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
The Magnificat Revolution - Mary and the Maccabees
Founded In Truth
The Magnificat Revolution - Mary and the Maccabees
Torah Portion Vayeshev | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Vayeshev | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Zeal for the Law - The Story of the Maccabees
Founded In Truth
Zeal for the Law - The Story of the Maccabees
Torah Portion Vayishlach | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Vayishlach | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
What Truly Defiles - Exploring Mark 7:1-23 | David Wilber
Founded In Truth
What Truly Defiles - Exploring Mark 7:1-23 | David Wilber
Torah Portion Toldot | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Toldot | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - When You Fast
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - When You Fast
Torah Portion Chayei Sarah | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Chayei Sarah | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Samson - The Sunday School Story
Founded In Truth
Samson - The Sunday School Story
Torah Portion Vayera | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Vayera | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Forgiving like God
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Forgiving like God
Torah Portion Lech Lecha | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Lech Lecha | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - The Lord's Prayer
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - The Lord's Prayer
The Prodigal by FIT Kids
Founded In Truth
The Prodigal by FIT Kids
Torah Portion Yom Kippur | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Yom Kippur | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Yom Kippur Services - Contagious Holiness
Founded In Truth
Yom Kippur Services - Contagious Holiness
Yom Teruah 2024
Founded In Truth
Yom Teruah 2024
Torah Portion Nitzavim-Vayelech | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Nitzavim-Vayelech | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Make a Name for YHVH • Shabbat Messianic Livestream - 9/28/24
Founded In Truth
Make a Name for YHVH • Shabbat Messianic Livestream - 9/28/24
Torah Portion Ki Tavo | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Ki Tavo | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Praying to be Seen By Others
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Praying to be Seen By Others
Torah Portion Ki Tetze | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Ki Tetze | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Do Not Be a Hypocrite
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Do Not Be a Hypocrite
Torah Portion Re'eh | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Re'eh | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
A Beautiful Bride - Zach Jarvis • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
A Beautiful Bride - Zach Jarvis • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Ekev | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Ekev | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Heap Coals of Fire • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Heap Coals of Fire • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Va'etchanan | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Va'etchanan | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Who is Your Enemy? • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Who is Your Enemy? • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Torah Portion Devarim | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Devarim | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Love Your Enemies • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Love Your Enemies • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Torah Portion Pinchas | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Pinchas | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Eye for an Eye • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Eye for an Eye • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Torah Portion Balak | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Balak | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Oath Making • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Oath Making • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Torah Portion Chukat | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Chukat | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Divorce in the Bible • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Divorce in the Bible • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Torah Portion Shelach | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Shelach | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Do Not Commit Adultery • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Do Not Commit Adultery • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Torah Portion Beha'alotcha | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Beha'alotcha | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Thou Shall Not Murder • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Thou Shall Not Murder • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream
Torah Portion Shavu'ot | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Shavu'ot | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Shavuot Pentecost Celebration 2024 • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Shavuot Pentecost Celebration 2024 • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Bamidbar | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Bamidbar | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - I Came to Fulfill the Law • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - I Came to Fulfill the Law • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Behar | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Behar | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - You are the Light of the World • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - You are the Light of the World • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Emor | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Emor | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - You are the Salt of the Earth • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - You are the Salt of the Earth • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Kedoshim | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Kedoshim | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed Are You When They Speak Evil Against You • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed Are You When They Speak Evil Against You • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Shabbat Chol Hamo'ed Pesach | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Shabbat Chol Hamo'ed Pesach | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Make Them Human - A New Take On The Healing of the Leper • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Make Them Human - A New Take On The Healing of the Leper • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Metzora | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Metzora | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Passover - What Is the Last Supper? • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Passover - What Is the Last Supper? • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Connecting with Others  Empathy and Human Connection
Founded In Truth
Connecting with Others Empathy and Human Connection
Torah Portion Tazria | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Tazria | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Passover and the Christian - Why Passover is Important to Christians • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Passover and the Christian - Why Passover is Important to Christians • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Tzav | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Tzav | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are the Persecuted • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are the Persecuted • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Vayikra | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Vayikra | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Esther - Wisdom is Greater than Zeal • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Esther - Wisdom is Greater than Zeal • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Pekudei | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Pekudei | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are the Peacemakers • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are the Peacemakers • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Vayak'hel | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Vayak'hel | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are the Pure in Heart • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are the Pure in Heart • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Tetsaveh | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Tetsaveh | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are the Merciful • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are the Merciful • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Terumah | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Terumah | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are Those Who Hunger • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are Those Who Hunger • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Torah Portion Mispatim | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Mispatim | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are the Meek • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are the Meek • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
The Good News of Jesus is Heaven Coming to Earth | What is the Gospel?  #messianic #christian
Founded In Truth
The Good News of Jesus is Heaven Coming to Earth | What is the Gospel? #messianic #christian
Torah Portion Beshalach | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Beshalach | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Parallels Between Moses and Jesus - Jesus is the New Moses Fulfilling the Torah #messianic
Founded In Truth
Parallels Between Moses and Jesus - Jesus is the New Moses Fulfilling the Torah #messianic
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are Those Who Mourn • FOUNDED IN TRUTH What does it mean to be Blessed
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - Blessed are Those Who Mourn • FOUNDED IN TRUTH What does it mean to be Blessed
Discovering True Happiness  Finding Hope and Dependence in God's Reign #kingdomofheaven
Founded In Truth
Discovering True Happiness Finding Hope and Dependence in God's Reign #kingdomofheaven
Torah Portion Bo | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Bo | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Sermon on the Mount - The Mountain of God • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - The Mountain of God • FOUNDED IN TRUTH
The Kingdom of God vs. The Kingdoms of the Earth
Founded In Truth
The Kingdom of God vs. The Kingdoms of the Earth
Torah Portion Va'era | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
Founded In Truth
Torah Portion Va'era | This Week's Torah Portion | Messianic Teaching | Parsha
The Real Truth about Heaven and Restoring God's Creation #Heaven #NewCreation #jesus
Founded In Truth
The Real Truth about Heaven and Restoring God's Creation #Heaven #NewCreation #jesus
Sermon on the Mount - The Kingdom of Heaven • FOUNDED IN TRUTH #sermononthemount #kingdomofgod #live
Founded In Truth
Sermon on the Mount - The Kingdom of Heaven • FOUNDED IN TRUTH #sermononthemount #kingdomofgod #live
Unveiling God's Kingdom A New Creation of Harmony and Hope - Messianic teachings for Christians
Founded In Truth
Unveiling God's Kingdom A New Creation of Harmony and Hope - Messianic teachings for Christians
The Cross Unveiling God's Ultimate Love and Triumph - How Jesus saves - #christian #messianic
Founded In Truth
The Cross Unveiling God's Ultimate Love and Triumph - How Jesus saves - #christian #messianic