
Sermon on the Mount - Do Not Commit Adultery • FOUNDED IN TRUTH - Messianic Livestream

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Join us this coming Saturday, June 29th, at 11:00 a.m. EST at Founded in Truth Fellowship. Come early at 10:00 a.m. for a light breakfast, coffee, and some time to fellowship before services begin.

Sermon on the Mount - Do Not Commit Adultery

We continue our series on the Sermon on the Mount, focusing on Yeshua's (Jesus') teachings on adultery. We will unpack Matthew 5:27-30, where Yeshua challenges us not only to avoid the act of adultery but also to guard our hearts and minds against lustful thoughts.

In this Messianic teaching, we'll explore how Yeshua elevates the standard for purity and sexual integrity beyond the letter of the law. We'll discuss the practical implications of this teaching for our relationships, thought life, and walk with God. Discover how to cultivate a heart that honors God's design for marriage and sexuality. Join us in this messianic livestream.

Subscribe and join our livestream for this thought-provoking message that challenges us to pursue holiness in every area of our lives. All are welcome!

#SermonOnTheMount #Adultery #Lust #Purity #Holiness #SexualIntegrity #MessianicJudaism #FoundedInTruth #Yeshua #Jesus #messianicteachings

About Founded in Truth Fellowship:

We are a Messianic church in Rock Hill, SC, that gathers on Saturdays, embracing our unique heritage and the teachings of Yeshua.

Want to support our outreach? Donate HERE: [Your Donation Link]

More information about our church:
Website: foundedintruth.com/
What to expect when you visit: foundedintruth.com/visit/

Where: Founded in Truth Fellowship
Address: 1689 Springsteen Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730
Time: 11:00 AM EST
