
Why Gossip is Hardwired in Our Brains! [Explained]

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Do you ever wonder why do people gossip? / What is the psychology behind why people gossip and how to deal with gossipers at work or in social situations?

In this video, I will reveal the truth about gossiping and if it's a toxic behavior or social skill. You will also discover how gossiping destroys relationships and how to make a paradigm shift in your human behavior.

If you want to know how to stop gossiping about others, how to stop gossip, and the difference between rumor and gossip, then watch this video till the end. You will also find out if gossiping is bad, a sin, or mean, and what is gossiping mean when people talk behind your back or someone’s back. Don’t miss this video if you want to learn how to deal with gossip and improve your life.

From understanding people better to bonding with others, gossip has many functions.

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Gossip and Ostracism Promote Cooperation in Groups
Who Gossips and How in Everyday Life?
The virtues of gossip: Reputational information sharing as prosocial behavior.
Gossip and Ostracism Promote Cooperation in Groups
Robb Willer, Professor of Sociology, Psychology, Stanford University
Evolutionary psychology explains how humans evolved to become gossips



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