
Ep 321 Shrek 1

1260344 9122________

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00:00:05 -Lone Star Matt
00:02:15 -Live at Helium on Election Night
00:04:05 -Sorry, I'm from Jersey
00:08:40 -RETRACTED
00:10:00 -Settle it in the ring
00:15:00 -Free Young Buck
00:23:30 -Big Sista's watching
00:32:30 -If the Paytch fails we fuck
00:37:30 -Stuck on a bus
00:40:00 -The Cum n Run
00:44:40 -Step into the mind
00:48:30 -Shrek 1
00:52:00 -Sleepy Joe got ROCKED
00:56:50 -Kanye on Rogiez
00:59:00 -Trad Cath values
01:12:00 -Gases most foul
01:19:40 -Shia is Shrek 1
01:28:00 -Stop giving Hitler guff
01:31:00 -DATES
